About 100 Romulus students, members of the community and local and state officials participated in the Standing Up for Democracy event Monday participating in a morning march. Many said it was an honor to take part in such an event to recognize MLK Day. Photo courtesy of Joshua Tufts Link to article: http://www.thenewsherald.com/news/romulus-residents-lead-unifying-march-for-democracy-through-streets-in/article_4912f82a-1db5-11e9-b1df-6b8be38afb3b.html
Link to Photo Gallery: http://www.thenewsherald.com/photos-romulus-residents-lead-standing-up-for-democracy-march-on/collection_99de73f4-1dc6-11e9-bba8-0ffd5ebfe53d.html